
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology

Yeah, I'm quoting Jack Johnson. Sometimes, he just gets it right. And he can also be quite the philosopher. So as another year draws to a close, and it's that time to reflect and muse over those things done right and wrong in the past 11-ish months, I am sitting up late thinking of, well, what can best be summed up by the title to one of his songs . . .

This post can probably most aptly be written as a series of questions - for myself but perhaps for others, as well - so I will pose them in the third person:

Where are you? In your life, personally and professionally? Do you like that "place"? If not, what are you doing about it? What do you hope to do differently (in any way or area), in 2011? And does it freak you out that we're about to be in 2011?? (For the record, it does me! This could be because I am a child of the 70s and 80s, a teen of the 90s - heading into my year of turning 35 which I think is awesome but it just sounds . . . strange) What mistakes (red wine-induced, or otherwise) are you grateful for, or do you regret? How do you feel wiser thanks to 2010? Was it a good year, or are you dying for it to be over - or somewhere in the muddling in-between, or did it vacillate wildly from one extreme to the other?

Looking back at this time last year . . . how do you feel? Do you have an overarching sentiment about where you are now compared to then, or something you'd tell your then-self about what this year would bring, or what you hope your future-self will be feeling this time next year?

Please indulge and forgive all the pre Auld Lang Syne-esque musings . . . I get a bit more introspective than is even usual for me this time of year, and have a bunch to reflect on now in particular. My hope for you is that you have a happy holiday season, and that 2011 brings much joy and peace, prosperity and fun to you and yours.

As Always,
Carrie Neal

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